Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Here is what we did for our NURSERY RHYME themed week! Be sure to grab the free weekly calendar and materials list at the bottom of the post (please note that some of the links are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link). 

On the calendar you will find a brief description of each activity, the links to where I found them, as well as books we read and additional resources. 

Share any questions or comments you have below. I'd love to hear and see how you are incorporating these activities at home with your little ones! Please follow me and tag me on Instagram @toddler_fundamentals and hashtag your photos #todfunnurseryrhymes.

If you like to learn by watching videos, here's a quick video recap of our week. Click the photo below for some of the activity highlights (and PS don't forget to Subscribe to the channel).

Source | Pre-KPages
I love doing a Hide N Hunt activity with my son. To setup, the night before I hide items around our house. Then the next morning he has to find the items and then sort or complete an activity with them. This one was an egg crack that we did after we read Humpty Dumpty. I placed pieces of paper with the letters in his name in an Easter egg. Once he collected all of the eggs he matched the letters to the sorting sheet I made. He loved "cracking" them on the counter and then identifying the letters in each one. 

To set up this activity I printed out the headers and stars from my Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Sort pack {link to my TPT store}. I hid the stars around our house and then we sorted based on size. You can do all three sizes or keep it to two for the younger kiddos. 
I made "candles" by taping construction paper flames to empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Then we sang the song a few times and he jumped over each candle. 
I hide his farm animals around the house. Next, I called out a specific animal and he would have to run and find it and bring it back to the barn {all while making that animal sound}. After he found them all, we set them up in his Melissa & Doug barn and sang the song together. We reviewed the names of the animals and the sounds they make.

Source | Adventures and Play
On a piece of clear contact paper I drew a sheep body. I peeled off the back and taped it to a window {sticky side out}. I set up a bowl with cotton balls and he had to add them to the sheep. He soon found out that he could dab the cotton ball and make lots of marks on his sheep at once.
On white construction paper I taped a few star cutouts. He used a sponge brush to paint around the stars. Once it dried, we removed the cutouts and he added a few star stickers. 
Source | Modern Preschool
I thought this was the cutest activity! I made a bunch of pig's backsides out of colored construction paper. Next, I took about 1/4 piece of pipe cleaner and twirled them up to look like pig tails. I added the tails to a bin with some brown beans {dirt} and he used his tweezers to find the tails and sort on to the correct pig. 
Source | I Heart Crafty Things
I printed off an egg and cut it out around the outside and along the cracks. He had to put Humpty back together again by gluing him down to the construction paper and then adding some band-aids along the cracks. His favorite part about this was peeling the backs off of the band-aids! 

Source | Thriving Stem
My son loves to play in a water bin so I knew he was really going to enjoy this themed one. I took some spiders from our Halloween bin, added them to some blue colored water along with some cups. Next, I made a sun out of construction paper {but beware, if it gets wet, it might tear, I suggest using a foam piece instead}. We sang the song a ton and he acted it out.
I printed off a pig template and let him use his fingers to paint it pink. After it dried, he used brown paint to add mud to the piggy. Finally, I cut it out for him. 
I added corn kernels to a bin with his farm animals and we sang the song together and he acted it out. He told me the animals were eating their "food" and then they were going to play in the barn. 
On a white piece of construction paper I drew a sheep. I let him use a cork to paint the sheep black. After it dried, I took a black marker and traced over the outline of the sheep so it would stand out a bit. Finally, he added some googly eyes and I drew on some feet. 

I started by using a pizza slicer to cut two soft tortillas into an egg shape and then making a crack down the middle. Next, I added egg salad to the middle of the tortillas. Finally, I added olive slices for eyes and a piece of red pepper for his mouth. 
We combined veggie straws {hay}, pretzel sticks {sticks} and chocolate bars {bricks} in a bowl to make this yummy themed snack. We enjoyed this all week. 
I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and cut it into a circle. He helped to add pretzel sticks for the legs and edible eyes to make this cute Itsy Bitsy Spider. 
We spread some vanilla icing on to a graham cracker and in the middle we added some raisins and googly eyes. Finally, he topped the icing with some marshmallows. 

Click the images below to grab the FREE Calendar and Materials List!

Thanks for stopping by and remember to always make learning FUN!

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