Friday, May 17, 2019


This weeks theme is FLOWERS! We have lots of fun fine motor activities, art projects and a science experiment planned for the week. Click the photos below to grab your weekly plans and materials list.

Check out my short video on the highlights from this week! Click the photo below to be directed to my YouTube channel. (PS - Subscribe while you are there!). 

I found this FREE printable over at Thirty Handmade Days (link on plans) and added it to a clipboard and let him choose a colored pencil. We went for a walk around our neighborhood and he checked off (or colored in the boxes) as we found the flowers. 
I used chalk to draw different colored flowers on the sidewalk. I called out a flower and he hopped or jumped to each one. 

I found this FREE planter and flower garden over at (link in plans) and cut out the flowers according to the number of letters in his name. I used a marker to write the letters and then glued the planter to a piece of blue construction paper to make it easier for gluing. He had to find the hidden letters around the house and then match to the planter. When he was done, we reviewed the letters and he spelled his name.

I taped down two pieces of white card stock to his area. He used a thin and thick brush as well as his fingers to paint the pieces of paper. When they dried, I cut them into the shape of a flower and he added popsicle sticks to the back. 
This was a big hit this week! He LOVES to hit things with his hammer, so of course I knew he would love this activity. Check out my video (click photo at the beginning of the post) on YouTube to hear how I set up this activity! 
Super simple, old school, flower experiment (I loved this one as a kid!). I bought some white carnations and then cut the stems about halfway. He helped add some food coloring to the cups of water (also filled halfway) and we added the carnations. After about 5-6 hours they started to change colors, by the 5th day, they were all pretty much fully colored. He loved checking on them throughout the week! 

I spread cream cheese on a few Ritz crackers. Added a raspberry in the middle and purple grape halves as the flower petals.
I planned to use mini waffles but I couldn't find those so I used two large ones and a small glass to cut out circles. I added raspberries to one and strawberry slices to the other. Check out my video to hear how I set this up!

That wraps up our Flower Themed Week! Come follow us on Instagram @toddler_fundamentals! And, if you happen to do any of the activities from our plans, please tag me so I can see what you're up to! 
Thanks for stopping by! 

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