Tuesday, June 18, 2019


This has been one of my favorite themed weeks so far, Under the Sea! And I'm pretty sure my son can agree. He is very into sharks right now! He enjoyed reading our ocean themed books, watching a few educational videos on YouTube and making some fun crafts and snacks. Here's what we did!
You can grab your FREE weekly plans and materials list at the end of the post. Click the photo below to watch the highlights from our week.

I used a large piece of cardboard and cut out a shark head. I cut a whole in the middle for the mouth and taped white triangles to the back for teeth. I grabbed a few colored balls from our ball pit and placed them in a bowl. I called out a color and he had to toss that colored ball into the shark's mouth. 

We started by reading, Rainbow Fish and talking about how colorful and shiny he is. Then we got into this activity. To prepare, I cut out fish from construction paper and then cut out the centers to make an outline. (Tip: If you gently fold the fish over and make a snip in the middle and then make an X with a few more snips, it makes it easier to cut out the center). Then I used those scraps to make some basic shapes and added those to a bowl with some colored sequins. Finally, he decorated his fish. 
I printed out these starfish from TPT {link on my weekly plans below} and wrote the letters in his name on each arm and leg. On clothespins I wrote the same letters and he matched. You can do this a few different ways. You can do a simple letter match (r/r, s/s, etc) or you can have them match upper and lower case letters (R/r, S/s, etc.).
I cut out a starfish from construction paper and added some Elmer's glue dots. He added Cheerios for the suction cups. He got in some fine motor practice and hand/eye coordination with this activity. And a yummy snack {wink, wink}!
We've been watching the movie, Finding Nemo this week and this craft was the perfect activity to go along with it! I printed off the fish template {found on Toddler Approved website} and made stripes using washi tape {you can use painters tape as well, the washi tape was thinner so I didn't have to cut the painters tape}. Next, he used an orange dot marker to color in his fish. I removed the washi tape immediately after he painted {pull slowly}. Finally, after it dried, I cut it out and† he added a googly eye. 

I cut a paper plate in the shape of a shell and let him draw lines on it with a crayon. Next, he used watercolors to paint his shell. The wax from the crayon resisted the water so you were able to still see the lines he drew. 
I taped a piece of tin foil to a small piece of cardboard. Next, we drizzled some blue and white paint to the front of it. Then, he used a Q-tip to paint his ocean scene. Before it dried he sprinkled on some silver glitter. After it dried, he stuck on some Ocean themed stickers {found some at Walmart for $.97!}. 

Source | Crafty Morning
I cut an apple in half and used one for the body and thinly sliced the other half. I added four slices {legs} to each side and then cut zig zags out of two more for the claws. Finally, I stuck on some edible eyes {you could use raisins or mini chocolate chips}. 
I made a ham and cheese sandwich and used a star cookie cutter to make our Starfish. I added some goldfish crackers for a fun, Under the Sea, lunch.
 We made blueberry flavored Jell-O together, poured them into glasses and let settle in the refrigerator. When they were ready to eat, I placed a spoon with a shark fin taped to it, right in the middle of the glass. Finally, I topped with some whipped cream. 

Here's our plans for the week! Don't forget to tag me on social media @toddler_fundamentals so I can see what you're up to! Click the photos below! 

Thanks for stopping by!

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