Friday, April 19, 2019


Easter week is here! I love working on holiday activities with my little guy. Here are the activities I plan to do with him this week. I will update with photos on Friday. In the meantime, come follow us on Instagram @toddler_fundamentals for daily pics!

Grab your copy of the FREE calendar and materials list by clicking on the photos below.

Be sure to tag me so I can see all the fun you're having!


If you like to learn by watching videos, click the photo below for a quick recap of our week (and PS don't forget to Subscribe to the channel).
Here are some photos and a brief description of the activities we did this week.
I found these adorable colored bunnies at Toddler Approved (link in calendar) and had originally planned to do this activity inside but it was a beautiful day here so I taped them to our fence in the backyard. As I called out a color he had to hop, jump or skip to that bunny. 
This is another activity that we took outside! I was going to use painter's tape inside but I decided to use sidewalk chalk outside. I drew a two different lines and along each one I added plastic Easter eggs. If you are doing this outside, be sure to put something in the eggs so they don't blow away. I added blue gems and plastic letters (I chose the ones in his name) and once he collected the eggs he had to sort and spell out his name. 
 I taped together 7 solo cups and wrote one letter in his name on each. Then, I set a starting point a little away from the setup and he had to toss the eggs into the cups. Every time he landed an egg in the cup he had to tell me the letter he landed in. So he got in some gross motor practice and some letter identification as well! 
This got messy so prepare yourself!! I set out a sheet on our floor. Then I rolled out a large piece of butcher paper and taped to the sheet. (NOTE: It was a little slippery so if you can do outside or on another surface I would suggest doing that). Then I set out a few plates with some paint. When I told him he could put his feet in the paint, he looked at me like "REALLY?!" He stepped in the paint and hopped along the paper. Then he used the sponge brush to paint his feet and hop some more. When he was done hopping, we used the brushes to paint the paper and make letters. 

I save lots of random materials because I know I can always use them for an activity, like this one! I had a ton of empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls so I put them to use with some plastic Easter eggs! I set them up in an area and gave him a bowl of eggs. He had to balance them on top. We got in some language practice with using the words, "balance," and "on top." We also reviewed the colors of the eggs. He told me that he wanted to put the bigger eggs on the taller tubes and the smaller ones on the shorter tubes. 

For this activity, I taped a piece of white card stock to the inside of a pan. I let him use the paint bottles to squeeze on some paint. Then we added a few plastic Easter eggs and he rolled them around. When it was dried, I cut it into the shape of an egg. 
I found this adorable idea at My Bored Toddler (link in weekly plans) and the best part was I already had everything I needed. I printed out the bunny template, traced it on to contact paper. Cut out the bunny and taped to a canvas. Then my son used his hands and fingers to paint the canvas. When it was dry, I removed the contact paper and he added a pom pom bunny tail. 
This turned out to be a beautiful Easter egg! A friend shared the idea from Penny @mothernatured. To prepare, I drew a large Easter egg on a piece of cardboard (you can also use card stock but you want to make sure it's something sturdy). Then, we went outside and he gathered items in nature to decorate his egg. Once he gathered everything he needed, we went inside and it was time to decorate! He used glue to add the leaves and flowers and I used a hot glue gun to add the rocks. 
I created egg cards and printed them out. Next, I used the eggs I had at home and made different matches using the tops and bottoms (you'll want to make sure they fit together first!). Then, I used crayons to make the cards. I set out a bowl and the cards and he had to build the eggs using the cards.  
I added fake grass to a bin and stuck in the tops of plastic Easter eggs. I set out a bowl with matching pom poms and he used his tweezers to place them in the correct egg. 
 My son loves to add vinegar to baking soda and watch it fizz! This time was a little different and under each baking soda pile I added a few drops of food coloring. As we squeezed on the vinegar it created color fizz! 

These were such a hit we made two batches of them! They were so easy that my son could practically make them all on his own! We added strawberry yogurt to the mold, then some fresh fruit and granola and topped with some more yogurt. For the sticks, I cut popsicle sticks in half and added them to each one. Froze for about an hour and they were ready! My 11 month old enjoyed them as well! 
We made a similar snack during our Winter themed week using street tacos but when I saw these at Paper and Glue figured we could give the wheat tortillas a shot. They turned out great but I think I prefer the street tacos because they were a little thicker. Overall, they were a fun snack for my son to help with and they tasted yummy! 
For the string cheese bunny, I made ears out of white and pink construction paper and taped to the back of a string cheese (I folded down the top and taped first). Then I used permanent markers to draw the bunny face. For the carrot sandwich, I used a cookie cutter to make the carrot shape and then added peanut butter and jelly (a fave!). 
I used cookie cutters to make the pancake shapes and added a little syrup in the middle. 

That's it! I hope this inspires you to try some of the activities from the weekly plans. Tag me on social media if you do any and have a Happy Easter! 

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